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Trap the Wizard

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About Trap the Wizard

Every player has three wizards that start at their respective home field. These wizards are moved as allowed by the number that was diced. If a player reaches a field with opposing wizards he catches them (this is not possible at the special fields that are marked by another colour). The target is to catch as many wizards of the opposing players as possible.

A wizard has to move exactly the number that was diced. This move can't be divided between several wizards. The only exception is if a wizard returns into its home field. In that case the remaining points can be used by another wizard. If a six was diced, the player can do yet another move.

Every field on the board can take two wizards as maximum (except on the home field). So two wizards of a player can stand on the same field, two wizards of different players can only stand on a special field. It is not possible for a wizard to return into his home field, except he has caught wizards of opposing players. If a wizard returns into his home field than the wizards of the opposing players are taken from the game, own wizards that are also among the caught wizards are freed and start again on the home field.

Additionally there is a joker wizard in the middle of the game board. This one belongs to nobody and has a different colour. If any wizard catches this joker he can catch other wizards also on the special fields were catching is not allowed normally.

A round is finished if there is only one player left and all the other players' wizards are caught. Every player gets one score per wizard he has caught at the end. A complete game consists of five such rounds.

This game was developed by using the tjger framework (

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