Gift of In Barnom Noisy Metavoned Ba
Az Vatan Salom
Alam alam
Kadri Modar
Kai Mashinoshi Hamhonaatro
Laili Wa Machnun
Modar Padar
Noz chi
Sadқa shavam
Sanamchon (Mijgonai Mirzo)
Yallo Yallo
Anvar Akhmedov is a modern singer from Tajikistan singing songs in a classical style. It has an average popularity rating among the people than other competitors. Anvarjon has a special respect among the population of the city of Khujand and a unique talent for creating touching clips. Anwar’s main negative activity is his often borrowing of Uzbek works.
Biography: Akhmedov Anvardzhon Khakimdzhonovich was born on November 13, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-fourth in the family of the actor. He studied at secondary school No. 6 and at music school No. 1 of the city of Khujand. 2000 entered the College of Music. "Sodirkhon Gafiz", where he played the folk instrument gizak. He entered and graduated from Khujand State University (Faculty of Art - Department of Traditional Singing) 2002-2007.
Married since 2006 to Akhmedova Nargis, and have one son and two daughters including Shukhratjon, Mehronahon and Mizhgonakhon. The singer’s father is Khakimdzhon Akhmedov, who works as an actor in the Kamoli Khujandi Theater, and his mother, Kurbona Nazarova, as a talented cook.
He also has 2 brothers named Akmaldzhon Akhmedov who works as the leader of the national instrument group Sadoi Khujand (Karnay) and Azamjon Akhmedov who is also a talented singer.
Today (2015) A. Akhmedov works as a soloist in the group “Sadoi Sughd” while in 2002-2006 he worked as a drummer in the group “Sadoi Khujand”. The singer’s first album was "Beamon Bo Man" which translates as Stay with me.
Az Vatan Salom
Alam alam
Kadri Modar
Kai Mashinoshi Hamhonaatro
Laili Wa Machnun
Modar Padar
Noz chi
Sadқa shavam
Sanamchon (Mijgonai Mirzo)
Yallo Yallo
Anvar Akhmedov is a modern singer from Tajikistan singing songs in a classical style. It has an average popularity rating among the people than other competitors. Anvarjon has a special respect among the population of the city of Khujand and a unique talent for creating touching clips. Anwar’s main negative activity is his often borrowing of Uzbek works.
Biography: Akhmedov Anvardzhon Khakimdzhonovich was born on November 13, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-fourth in the family of the actor. He studied at secondary school No. 6 and at music school No. 1 of the city of Khujand. 2000 entered the College of Music. "Sodirkhon Gafiz", where he played the folk instrument gizak. He entered and graduated from Khujand State University (Faculty of Art - Department of Traditional Singing) 2002-2007.
Married since 2006 to Akhmedova Nargis, and have one son and two daughters including Shukhratjon, Mehronahon and Mizhgonakhon. The singer’s father is Khakimdzhon Akhmedov, who works as an actor in the Kamoli Khujandi Theater, and his mother, Kurbona Nazarova, as a talented cook.
He also has 2 brothers named Akmaldzhon Akhmedov who works as the leader of the national instrument group Sadoi Khujand (Karnay) and Azamjon Akhmedov who is also a talented singer.
Today (2015) A. Akhmedov works as a soloist in the group “Sadoi Sughd” while in 2002-2006 he worked as a drummer in the group “Sadoi Khujand”. The singer’s first album was "Beamon Bo Man" which translates as Stay with me.
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