A simple free Sudoku game. Features include:
* Millions of boards, including Options for:
- playing a specific game no.
- play next valid game in sequence
* 15 difficulty levels
* Highlight selected number
* Display remaining number count
* Highlight incorrect cells
* Show error count
Email issues/suggestions to support [at] tomfusion.com.
Feature image: [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (B. Meyniel is the author of the puzzle shown)
* Millions of boards, including Options for:
- playing a specific game no.
- play next valid game in sequence
* 15 difficulty levels
* Highlight selected number
* Display remaining number count
* Highlight incorrect cells
* Show error count
Email issues/suggestions to support [at] tomfusion.com.
Feature image: [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (B. Meyniel is the author of the puzzle shown)
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