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School Girl Ragdoll Simulator2

Nicholee Breyman
1,000+ downloads

About School Girl Ragdoll Simulator2

School Girl Ragdoll Simulator 2 is a ultimate Realistic Ragdoll simulator for high school girl!!
You can experience school life. This is the sequel of our previous game released in 2017.
Most fun to fight with your enemies. You finally find out who is steeper in all the school fights without rules.
Not all High school girls are good in the school, so your mission is to defeat the bad students who are teasing the other girls. Find them in the map and defeat them.
Music credit by Souichi Sakagami

Game Features:
Realistic Ragdoll response you never seen before!
Its the best simulator Realistic Ragdoll for entertainment ultimate purpose.
12 level of excitement

School Girl Ragdoll Simulator2 Screenshots