There are 2 roles in this game:
- Riddler (1 player) : One who will give information about the Word to other players.
- Remaining Players : Ones who have to compete with each other to guess the correct Word.
Each game consists of several rounds according to number of players.
Starting the Game
1. Enter name of all players (Min: 3 players, Max: 12 players).
2. Before round starts, the screen will show a name of the player who will be Riddler. Give your phone to that player.
3. When round starts, the screen will show a Word. Riddler have to give information about the Word to other players
so that other players can guess the correct Word. Riddler can say anything, but there are some rules which Riddler have to follow:
- Do not giving out any parts of the Word. For example, if the Word is "Iron Man", Riddler can't say something like "The superhero in Marvel Comics who wore iron suit" because the word "iron" is part of the word "Iron Man".
- Do not giving out letters that consist in the Word. For example, if the Word is "Donald Trump", Riddler can't say something like "An ex-president of the United States whose name start with D and end with D"
- Do not giving out abbreviation or acronym of the Word. For example, if the Word is "PlayStation 5", Riddler can't say something like "A popular game console from SONY which has abbreviation PS5"
4. If any player said the correct Word. Riddler will have to tap on the name of that player, which will give both Riddler and the player 1 score
and next Word will appear.
5. If Word is too hard, Riddler can skip the Word by tapping the "Skip" button.
6. If Riddler break the rules mentioned at step 3, that Word will be counted as "Foul" and the Riddler will have to tap on the "Foul" button.
(which will discard the Word and no one get score from that Word)
7. Round will end when all Words have been taken or time is up. The screen will show scores that all players got from that round(not all round).
8. By tapping the "Round Record" button, the screen will show a list of Words - Answerers from that round.
If you found incorrect Answerer's name, you can change the name by tapping the name and select the correct name.
9. Continue to next round by tapping the "Next Round" button and the game will start from step 2 again.
10. Game end when every players got to play as Riddler once, and total scores from all rounds will show on the screen.
To put it simply, in this game...
- Riddler : gave information to other players in order to get them guess the correct Words as much as possible.
Because when someone guess the Word correctly, both Riddler and the player got 1 score.
- Remaining Players : compete with each other to guess the correct Words as much as possible.
=== Categories ===
In this game, there are more than 25 categories of Words such as Celebrity, Movie Character, Occupation, Sport, Food etc.
Some categories are locked in the beginning, but can be unlock by using Key.
You have 5 keys from the start and can get more keys by claiming an offer within the game.
- Riddler (1 player) : One who will give information about the Word to other players.
- Remaining Players : Ones who have to compete with each other to guess the correct Word.
Each game consists of several rounds according to number of players.
Starting the Game
1. Enter name of all players (Min: 3 players, Max: 12 players).
2. Before round starts, the screen will show a name of the player who will be Riddler. Give your phone to that player.
3. When round starts, the screen will show a Word. Riddler have to give information about the Word to other players
so that other players can guess the correct Word. Riddler can say anything, but there are some rules which Riddler have to follow:
- Do not giving out any parts of the Word. For example, if the Word is "Iron Man", Riddler can't say something like "The superhero in Marvel Comics who wore iron suit" because the word "iron" is part of the word "Iron Man".
- Do not giving out letters that consist in the Word. For example, if the Word is "Donald Trump", Riddler can't say something like "An ex-president of the United States whose name start with D and end with D"
- Do not giving out abbreviation or acronym of the Word. For example, if the Word is "PlayStation 5", Riddler can't say something like "A popular game console from SONY which has abbreviation PS5"
4. If any player said the correct Word. Riddler will have to tap on the name of that player, which will give both Riddler and the player 1 score
and next Word will appear.
5. If Word is too hard, Riddler can skip the Word by tapping the "Skip" button.
6. If Riddler break the rules mentioned at step 3, that Word will be counted as "Foul" and the Riddler will have to tap on the "Foul" button.
(which will discard the Word and no one get score from that Word)
7. Round will end when all Words have been taken or time is up. The screen will show scores that all players got from that round(not all round).
8. By tapping the "Round Record" button, the screen will show a list of Words - Answerers from that round.
If you found incorrect Answerer's name, you can change the name by tapping the name and select the correct name.
9. Continue to next round by tapping the "Next Round" button and the game will start from step 2 again.
10. Game end when every players got to play as Riddler once, and total scores from all rounds will show on the screen.
To put it simply, in this game...
- Riddler : gave information to other players in order to get them guess the correct Words as much as possible.
Because when someone guess the Word correctly, both Riddler and the player got 1 score.
- Remaining Players : compete with each other to guess the correct Words as much as possible.
=== Categories ===
In this game, there are more than 25 categories of Words such as Celebrity, Movie Character, Occupation, Sport, Food etc.
Some categories are locked in the beginning, but can be unlock by using Key.
You have 5 keys from the start and can get more keys by claiming an offer within the game.
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