Download the App for delicious deals, daily specials, coupons, and savings from Emerald Garden, a popular Chinese restaurant in Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania. Scroll through for easy online ordering whether you are picking up a meal or some party platters for the big game – right from your smart phone. BYOB and dine in with family and friends whether you have a yen for fresh sushi or a signature dish from the Garden. Tap the App for amenities like:
• Easy online ordering
• Exclusive specials and savings
• Updates and notifications
• Loyalty cards
• And more!
The App is FREE, easy to use and right at your fingertips. App-ealing offers, great food and lots of savings from Emerald Green, a favorite Chinese restaurant in Shrewsbury, PA.
• Easy online ordering
• Exclusive specials and savings
• Updates and notifications
• Loyalty cards
• And more!
The App is FREE, easy to use and right at your fingertips. App-ealing offers, great food and lots of savings from Emerald Green, a favorite Chinese restaurant in Shrewsbury, PA.
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