Business Intelligence (BI) comprises the set of strategies, processes, applications, data, technologies and technical architectures which are used by enterprises to support the collection, data analysis, presentation and dissemination of business information. BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies include reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, process mining, complex event processing, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. BI technologies can handle large amounts of structured and sometimes unstructured data to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities. They aim to allow for the easy interpretation of these big data. Identifying new opportunities and implementing an effective strategy based on insights can provide businesses with a competitive market advantage and long-term stability.
Business intelligence can be used by enterprises to support a wide range of business decisions - ranging from operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pricing. Strategic business decisions involve priorities, goals and directions at the broadest level. In all cases, BI is most effective when it combines data derived from the market in which a company operates (external data) with data from company sources internal to the business such as financial and operations data (internal data). When combined, external and internal data can provide a more complete picture which, in effect, creates an "intelligence" that cannot be derived by any singular set of data. Amongst myriad uses, business intelligence tools empower organizations to gain insight into new markets, to assess demand and suitability of products and services for different market segments and to gauge the impact of marketing efforts.
Business intelligence is made up of an increasing number of components including:
• Multidimensional aggregation and allocation
• Denormalization, tagging and standardization
• Realtime reporting with analytical alert
• A method of interfacing with unstructured data sources
• Group consolidation, budgeting and rolling forecasts
• Statistical inference and probabilistic simulation
• Key performance indicators optimization
• Version control and process management
• Open item management
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Business intelligence can be used by enterprises to support a wide range of business decisions - ranging from operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pricing. Strategic business decisions involve priorities, goals and directions at the broadest level. In all cases, BI is most effective when it combines data derived from the market in which a company operates (external data) with data from company sources internal to the business such as financial and operations data (internal data). When combined, external and internal data can provide a more complete picture which, in effect, creates an "intelligence" that cannot be derived by any singular set of data. Amongst myriad uses, business intelligence tools empower organizations to gain insight into new markets, to assess demand and suitability of products and services for different market segments and to gauge the impact of marketing efforts.
Business intelligence is made up of an increasing number of components including:
• Multidimensional aggregation and allocation
• Denormalization, tagging and standardization
• Realtime reporting with analytical alert
• A method of interfacing with unstructured data sources
• Group consolidation, budgeting and rolling forecasts
• Statistical inference and probabilistic simulation
• Key performance indicators optimization
• Version control and process management
• Open item management
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Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this application were collected from all over the web, so if I have violated your copyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soon as possible.
All copyrights and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with any other affiliated entities.
All images used in this app are believed to be in public domain. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear here, please contact us and they will be removed.
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