Launched in 2019, the Khadim Rassoul Complex construction project is finally entering a new phase. Indeed, after the "ndigueul" and the blessings of the Khalif General of the Mourides Serigne Mountakha Mbacke, as well as dignitaries such as Serigne Mame Mor Mbacke Ibn Serigne Mourtada and Serigne Bassirou Ibn Serigne Abdoul Khadr spokesperson for the Mouride community, the first step of the project was launched on the occasion of Magal de Touba 2022.
Its objective is to initially collect the sums necessary for the purchase of the premises (land). Then, the second phase will be the construction on this land of the various buildings constituting the Khadim Rassoul Complex in France.
Its objective is to initially collect the sums necessary for the purchase of the premises (land). Then, the second phase will be the construction on this land of the various buildings constituting the Khadim Rassoul Complex in France.
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