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Italia – il viaggio del gusto

Touring Servizi s.r.l.
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About Italia – il viaggio del gusto

Touring's guide to the journey of taste in Italy.

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The guide contains:
45 delicious itineraries to do on foot, by car or even by bike, for a journey through the Italy of taste and flavors

Over 2000 addresses selected to buy typical products, but also wineries, wine bars, vinegar shops, breweries, and places for a delicious stop in an ice cream parlor, in a pastry shop or even in an oven

Over 1200 touring tips to discover the best of our country's culinary tradition. For all addresses, the description, the closing day, the prevailing type of cuisine, the price range, the indication if your dog can enter and if it is possible to pay by credit card is provided.

Over 800 sleeping solutions to choose from among hotels, charming hotels, b & bs, country residences, etc. For each exercise you will find the description, the price range, an indication if your dog can enter and if it is possible to pay by credit card, the presence of parking for your car.

The exercises, unless otherwise indicated, have been carefully chosen by the Publisher according to their own qualitative criteria. The data contained in this guide has been carefully checked before its publication. However, as they are subject to change, we advise readers to check this before departure. The Publisher cannot assume responsibility for damage or inconvenience suffered by anyone as a result of the information contained herein.

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