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About 2CR

*** This has been branded as an Official U.S. Army App ***

Envisioned as a critical component of V Corps and U.S. Army Europe-Africa, the 2d Cavalry Regiment stands as a steadfast and adaptable force, meticulously primed for swift deployment across the dynamic landscapes of the European theater. This mobile application serves as your gateway into the world of 2CR, offering a profound understanding of its multifaceted mission.

Immerse yourself in the intricate tapestry of 2CR's responsibilities: Assuring allies, Deterring adversaries, and, when the clarion call resounds, Defending the NATO alliance. Through this app, you'll gain unparalleled insights into the regiment's commitment to fostering trust and cooperation with allied nations, discouraging potential threats, and executing resolute defense strategies that reinforce the NATO alliance's collective strength.

2CR Screenshots