Key Futures
1.About Rythubazar System
2.Daily Vegetable Prices
3.To ensure remunerative prices to the farmers and provide fresh vegetables to consumers at reasonable rates fixed everyday.
4.Facilitate prompt realization of sale proceeds to farmers without any deductions.
5.provide vegetables with correct weighments to consumers.
6. Provide direct interface between farmers and consumers – eliminating intermediaries in trade
Andhra Pradesh is the second largest producer of fruits, vegetables and flowers in the Country.The predominantly grown fruit crops are mango, banana, cashewnut, sapota, guava and pomegranate. Brinjal, lady’s finger, onions, tomatoes, beans and gourds are the major vegetables produced in the State.
Regulated Market Yards for fruits and vegetables are functioning only at few centers in the State. The Marketing system for fruits and vegetables is in the hands of middlemen. Middlemen exist at various levels between the farmer and the consumer and exploit through malpractices in weighments, handling and payments.
The farmer's share in the consumer's rupee is estimated to be just 40 paise. In addition the estimated losses in handling of vegetables in the traditional channel of marketing is about 30 to 35%.
Large number of small farmers are unable to effectively bargain for a better price in the wholesale markets. Inefficiencies in wholesale markets result in a long chain of intermediaries, multiple handling, loss in quality and increase the gap between producer and consumer prices. Intermediaries and system inefficiencies consume a disproportionate share of consumer prices. Large number of small retailers, each handling small quantities, create high overheads leading to high margins on produce. Rythu Bazars will operate outside the purview of Agrl. Market Committees to be managed by Estate Officers and under the control of Joint Collectors.
It was therefore felt necessary to evolve an alternate marketing strategy where both growers and consumers are benefited through Rythu Bazaars. Rythu Bazaars are thus planned for direct interface between the farmers and the consumers eliminating middlemen. Rythu Bazars, if function effectively, can act as price stabilisation centres.
Rythu Bazars are located on Government lands identified by the District Collectors. The location shall have to be convenient both for the farmers and consumers. The criteria for opening of new Rythu Bazars are the availability of atleast one acre of land in strategic locations, and identification of 250 vegetable growing farmers including 10 groups
Proper Identification of a cluster of villages and genuine farmers and their marketing linkage to Rythu Bazars is key to the successful functioning of a Rythu Bazar.
It is desirable to identify the farmers from a cluster of 10-15
predominantly vegetable growing villages to enable provision of horticulture services, inputs and transportation arrangements to the Rythu Bazars effectively.Horticulture Department may identify such clusters
immediately for all the Rythu Bazars.
Identification of farmers shall be done jointly by a team consisting of
(1) M.R.O. (Tahsildar)
(2)Horticulture Officer/Consultant
(3)Agricultural Officer, in the villages.
In the absence of Horticultural Officer/Consultant services of Assistant Director, Agriculture may be utilised.
Disclaimer:We only provide Information to readers and visitors that are available in following government Public Domains.We do not affiliated with any government entity, services or person
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1.About Rythubazar System
2.Daily Vegetable Prices
3.To ensure remunerative prices to the farmers and provide fresh vegetables to consumers at reasonable rates fixed everyday.
4.Facilitate prompt realization of sale proceeds to farmers without any deductions.
5.provide vegetables with correct weighments to consumers.
6. Provide direct interface between farmers and consumers – eliminating intermediaries in trade
Andhra Pradesh is the second largest producer of fruits, vegetables and flowers in the Country.The predominantly grown fruit crops are mango, banana, cashewnut, sapota, guava and pomegranate. Brinjal, lady’s finger, onions, tomatoes, beans and gourds are the major vegetables produced in the State.
Regulated Market Yards for fruits and vegetables are functioning only at few centers in the State. The Marketing system for fruits and vegetables is in the hands of middlemen. Middlemen exist at various levels between the farmer and the consumer and exploit through malpractices in weighments, handling and payments.
The farmer's share in the consumer's rupee is estimated to be just 40 paise. In addition the estimated losses in handling of vegetables in the traditional channel of marketing is about 30 to 35%.
Large number of small farmers are unable to effectively bargain for a better price in the wholesale markets. Inefficiencies in wholesale markets result in a long chain of intermediaries, multiple handling, loss in quality and increase the gap between producer and consumer prices. Intermediaries and system inefficiencies consume a disproportionate share of consumer prices. Large number of small retailers, each handling small quantities, create high overheads leading to high margins on produce. Rythu Bazars will operate outside the purview of Agrl. Market Committees to be managed by Estate Officers and under the control of Joint Collectors.
It was therefore felt necessary to evolve an alternate marketing strategy where both growers and consumers are benefited through Rythu Bazaars. Rythu Bazaars are thus planned for direct interface between the farmers and the consumers eliminating middlemen. Rythu Bazars, if function effectively, can act as price stabilisation centres.
Rythu Bazars are located on Government lands identified by the District Collectors. The location shall have to be convenient both for the farmers and consumers. The criteria for opening of new Rythu Bazars are the availability of atleast one acre of land in strategic locations, and identification of 250 vegetable growing farmers including 10 groups
Proper Identification of a cluster of villages and genuine farmers and their marketing linkage to Rythu Bazars is key to the successful functioning of a Rythu Bazar.
It is desirable to identify the farmers from a cluster of 10-15
predominantly vegetable growing villages to enable provision of horticulture services, inputs and transportation arrangements to the Rythu Bazars effectively.Horticulture Department may identify such clusters
immediately for all the Rythu Bazars.
Identification of farmers shall be done jointly by a team consisting of
(1) M.R.O. (Tahsildar)
(2)Horticulture Officer/Consultant
(3)Agricultural Officer, in the villages.
In the absence of Horticultural Officer/Consultant services of Assistant Director, Agriculture may be utilised.
Disclaimer:We only provide Information to readers and visitors that are available in following government Public Domains.We do not affiliated with any government entity, services or person
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