Harp-A-Matic 2.0 - Learn & Mas icon

Harp-A-Matic 2.0 - Learn & Mas

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5,000+ downloads

About Harp-A-Matic 2.0 - Learn & Mas

Harp-A-Matic™ is the easiest, and FUN-est, way to learn to play the harmonica… in the World! ...no, in the UNIVERSE! (to the best of our knowledge :-)

First Released 6-7-2017; latest update 7-1-2020

Featuring TurboTabs™ – the (patented) harmonica tablature of the FUTURE.

What makes it so great:
•Intuitive, graphical, tabs that tells your brain exactly which hole(s) to blow, draw, or bend, and for how long! (Actually bypasses your brain altogether!)
•Interactive "Practice" Mode: listens while you play: tablature advances only when you hit the right note.
•“Birdseed Mode” - test your accuracy by “driving” through tablature.
•Over 200 selections - free
•Something for all levels, all ages
•Folk, Gospel, Jazz, Rock
•plus... Lots of Blues Licks and Riff's
•No ads, No spyware - ever
•So innovative, its even patented! US8664503

•Ability to change play speed and loop
•Color spectrogram
•Updated sound to more realistic harmonica
•Fixed bug: octave shifted when in practice mode
•Fixed bug: song list sometimes does not load
1.0.13 (Sept 4, 2018)
•Interface fixes and improvements.
•Added pause button.
•Fixed scrolling issues, and other rendering issues.
•Added Mode button (preview, practice, perform)
1.0.14 - 1.0.16
•Several bug fixes, new header
1.0.17 (Sept 18, 2018)
•Fixed "perform" mode - birdseed now works well
1.0.18 (Feb 22, 2020)
•Over Improved UI
•Eliminated game mode
•Multiple minor updates and improvements
1.0.3 (July 1, 2020)
•Launched new ToneAmatic and BendAmatic Tools
•Added Favorites function
•Various UI and formatting improvements.

On the Development Bench:

•More tools to develop your technique
- bending
- phrasing
- optimizing your tone
- emulating your favorite players
- expression.
•Many more song selections. (Request are welcome.)
•And much more….

"You've tried all the rest, now try the BEST!"

Harp-A-Matic 2.0 - Learn & Mas Screenshots