Before you download, here is a list of things to keep in mind:
1. You need to buy a bluetooth obd2 meter. They are around $8.00. Here is a link to eBay's listings for them. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&LH_BIN=1&_sop=15&_nkw=bluetooth+obd2&rt=nc&LH_PrefLoc=1
2. This is still in very early testing stages and will continue to grow into a better app.
3. This is just a fun idea we had so don't take it to seriously if it doesn't work right with your phone, we will do our best to continuously fix whatever is wrong.
TurboTorque is designed to create the illusion that your car is turbo'd. Plug in your bluetooth obd2, pair your phone via bluetooth, hit connect. TurboTorqe allows the user to set when the turbo spools. If you drive a civic, you can set it to spool at 3,000rpm and at 30% throttle position. If your in a truck you can set it to 1,500rpm and 20% throttle position. Once these two criterias are met the turbo will spool up. Then let your foot off the throttle to hear your blow off valve go off!! If you don't enjoy the default sounds, you can use your own via the settings menu. This gives ultimate customization so you are not locked down to in app sounds. Other features in the works.
Here is a video of it being demo'd by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_LpBELrl_Q
If the app gets enough support we will start adding these features:
1. I would like to be able to have a check box to turn off the turbo noise.
2. Add a better turbo noise as default, right now it's kind of annoying and too loud.
3. We would like to add a variety of blow off sounds to choose from.
4. start skinning the application with a UI.
5. We have a LOT more stuff in mind so if you like the idea of the app, there will be more to come! It can only get better.
Before you download, here is a list of things to keep in mind:
1. You need to buy a bluetooth obd2 meter. They are around $8.00. Here is a link to eBay's listings for them. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&LH_BIN=1&_sop=15&_nkw=bluetooth+obd2&rt=nc&LH_PrefLoc=1
2. This is still in very early testing stages and will continue to grow into a better app.
3. This is just a fun idea we had so don't take it to seriously if it doesn't work right with your phone, we will do our best to continuously fix whatever is wrong.
TurboTorque is designed to create the illusion that your car is turbo'd. Plug in your bluetooth obd2, pair your phone via bluetooth, hit connect. TurboTorqe allows the user to set when the turbo spools. If you drive a civic, you can set it to spool at 3,000rpm and at 30% throttle position. If your in a truck you can set it to 1,500rpm and 20% throttle position. Once these two criterias are met the turbo will spool up. Then let your foot off the throttle to hear your blow off valve go off!! If you don't enjoy the default sounds, you can use your own via the settings menu. This gives ultimate customization so you are not locked down to in app sounds. Other features in the works.
Here is a video of it being demo'd by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_LpBELrl_Q
If the app gets enough support we will start adding these features:
1. I would like to be able to have a check box to turn off the turbo noise.
2. Add a better turbo noise as default, right now it's kind of annoying and too loud.
3. We would like to add a variety of blow off sounds to choose from.
4. start skinning the application with a UI.
5. We have a LOT more stuff in mind so if you like the idea of the app, there will be more to come! It can only get better.
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