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Vedic Calendar 2023

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About Vedic Calendar 2023

Vedic Calendar 2023 with proud ancient Indian Inventions, Architectural Advancements, Yagya, Temple Seva, Srimad Bhagavad Gita and much more

Vedic Calendar 2023 - is a calendar app which is built to feel the glory of ancient Bharat along with Hindi and English calendars, meditation , mantra, Ashtakam, Panchang , Vivah Thithi etc

Vedic Calendar 2023 App Contains High Quality Images of 2023 Hindi and English Calendars, Ancient Inventions and discoveries by our Great Sages, Architectural advancements of ancient India, Holidays list and Festivals list , Ekadashi list, Panchang details, Auspicious days, Shubh Muhurat, Mantras and Dhyana

Vedic Calendar 2023 - वैदिक कैलेंडर 2023 यज्ञ, मन्दिर सेवा, भगवद् गीता, ध्यान, मंत्र, अष्टकम, पंचांग, ​​विवाह तिथी आदि के साथ प्राचीन भारत की महिमा को महसूस करने के लिए एक कैलेंडर ऐप है।

Features of Vedic Calendar 2023

* Free English and Hindi 2023 Calendars in soft copy format and details about hard copies

* Includes sunrise, sunset, paksha (shukla and krishna), yoga, karana, nakshatra,vaar varta, upavas and ekadashi

* Includes Vedic research content which is nowhere available together

* Allows you to view maheena, saptah, thithi information for all days in the year 2022 हिंदी कैलेंडर

* In this वैदिक कैलेंडर 2023 - ध्यान मंत्र ज्ञान के साथ see all festivals and holidays

* Includes information about the land of innovations, scriptures, meditation, ancient inventions, discoveries, temple architectures, yagya, temple seva, Bhagavad Gita seva

Thank you for Downloading Vedic Calendar 2023.

Best Features

* Very convenient and User friendly Calendar App with no Ads and available in offline mode.
* Seva streams about Yagya, Temple Seva, Srimad Bhagavad Gita seva
* Details about Mathematics, Science, Architecture, Precision, Accuracy, Magnificence

Vedic Calendar 2023 will pave your path towards physical, mental, psychological, spiritual growth and success.

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