An application designed for preparation for the driver's license exam, containing the driving school notes and exam questions.
In the application, first aid, traffic rules and environmental information, traffic etiquette, motor vehicle and technique, traffic signs, speed limits, provincial plate codes, driver's license classes, in-car instrument panel and warning lights, preparation notes for the steering exam, trial exams and previous There are questions that come up in the period.
There are 2200 questions in total and we are working to increase the number of questions.
In the application, first aid, traffic rules and environmental information, traffic etiquette, motor vehicle and technique, traffic signs, speed limits, provincial plate codes, driver's license classes, in-car instrument panel and warning lights, preparation notes for the steering exam, trial exams and previous There are questions that come up in the period.
There are 2200 questions in total and we are working to increase the number of questions.
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