베트리션 – 국내최초 체질맞춤형 사료 식이관리 솔루션 icon

베트리션 – 국내최초 체질맞춤형 사료 식이관리 솔루션

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About 베트리션 – 국내최초 체질맞춤형 사료 식이관리 솔루션

Looking for the best feed?
Vetition is the first knowledge-based next-generation diet management solution that tailors the 'best feed' for your child's constitution.

What is a treatment?
Vetition is a new concept feed that is produced and supplied in a custom-made way at an advanced automated production facility with human grade quality and Made with organic grade nutrition in an optimized formula derived from pet allergy screening big data.
Experience Korea's first 'constitutional diet management solution' that analyzes and prescribes my child's constitution.

Victory Story
Since launching the first Asian allergy screening service in January 2010, there was one thing that I realized while watching numerous pets suffering from atopy and allergies.
It was that “right food” was healthy, and right food was “fit for my body.”
We had forgotten that pets, like humans, are all different in their sensitive dietary ingredients.
The journey that began with such anxiety has resulted in the establishment of the most appropriate type of dietary management system for domestic pets by statistically analyzing the data of objective and scientific allergy occurrences accumulated over the past 10 years. In addition to quality, we have created a 'Conditional Dietary Management Solution – Vation'.
Early Greek Hippocrates said:
 Food is medicine and medicine is food.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
The best feed is the one that fits your body.
Now let your child eat his own feed.
Start with the Beatitudes!

※ You can order and prescribing veterinary feed at national veterinary hospitals.

Avetec: 02-6242-3242
Katok 1: 1 Counseling Shortcut: https://pf.kakao.com/_NtTQu

베트리션 – 국내최초 체질맞춤형 사료 식이관리 솔루션 Screenshots

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