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Ag Jobs Queensland

uWorkin Jobs
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About Ag Jobs Queensland

A free app for agriculture jobs in Queensland. Explore a growing number of roles and apply online. Find your next opportunity today.

Are you looking to work in the most exciting sector in Queensland, contributing to the production of the world’s finest food, fibre, and foliage? Ag Jobs Queensland is here to help you find your next role in agriculture. Whether you are looking for on-farm work, administration, sales and marketing, research, or leadership roles, Ag Jobs Queensland hosts a range of job opportunities across Queensland’s diverse agricultural industries.

Are you a Queensland agriculture business owner or manager looking for the right person to join your team? List your roles on Ag Jobs Queensland for as little as $59 per month for two job listings and reach a growing community of people actively looking for work in the agriculture sector. Jobs posted to Ag Jobs Queensland will be prioritised across more than 100 regional, industry and project-based job boards at no extra cost to you.

Find your next role faster:
• Hundreds of jobs across Queensland - search, join, share and apply.
• Simple location, keyword, opportunity type and industry job search functionality.
• Full time, part time, casual work, traineeship, and apprenticeship roles.
• Explore roles across all of Queensland’s agricultural industries.
• Create alerts to be notified of new jobs that match your needs.
• Register to create a personal shortlist of jobs and apply.
• Build your CV and upload to Ag Jobs Queensland and get noticed by employers.
• Access helpful resources regarding working in agriculture.

Ag Jobs Queensland is free for job seekers. Download the app today and find your next role.

Queensland Farmers' Federation (QFF) is a non-Government Federation that represents the interests of peak state and national agriculture industry organisations.
QFF have partnered with uWorkin Pty Ltd (uWorkin Jobs) to create Ag Jobs Queensland and the Ag Jobs Queensland Apps.

By subscribing to the Ag Jobs Queensland website, employers and Government entities can add information to the Ag Jobs Queensland website in the form of job opportunities and department profile pages. Once approved by a website administrator, this information is published on the Ag Jobs Queensland website and Apps.

Sources of Government information include:

Ag Jobs Queensland Screenshots