Clube do Mestre Comercial Ivaiporã, exclusive offers and discounts that you can only find at
most complete store in Paraná.
We are the most complete store of construction materials and finishes in Paraná with
more than 58 years of history and with more than 300 thousand customers who trust our work.
We have more than 40 thousand products for your work or renovation, from basic to finishing.
There is always an Ivaiporã Commercial near you, we have 29 stores all over the world
Paraná to better serve you.
In addition to providing the solution for your work or renovation, we also offer
payment as: Ivaiporã Commercial card up to 12x interest-free, personal loan in
up to 18x, own credit in up to 36x among others. Pay us a visit at one of our
stores. We are waiting for you!
With the Comercial Ivaiporã app you have exclusive offers and discounts and many others
benefits such as:
- Coupon to compete for the draw for the Vem que Tem campaign, with more than 1200 TVs, more than
40 cars 0km and a house worth R $ 200,000;
- With each purchase made you accumulate points that can be redeemed for discount coupons;
- Cash Back on selected offers;
- Gift card;
- Air miles;
- Exclusive discounts for Clube do Mestre;
- Offers Magazine with all promotions.
Download our app, it is super light, fast and easy to use.
What are you waiting for? You will find comfort, quality and ease here.
Commercial Ivaiporã, building good times in your life!
most complete store in Paraná.
We are the most complete store of construction materials and finishes in Paraná with
more than 58 years of history and with more than 300 thousand customers who trust our work.
We have more than 40 thousand products for your work or renovation, from basic to finishing.
There is always an Ivaiporã Commercial near you, we have 29 stores all over the world
Paraná to better serve you.
In addition to providing the solution for your work or renovation, we also offer
payment as: Ivaiporã Commercial card up to 12x interest-free, personal loan in
up to 18x, own credit in up to 36x among others. Pay us a visit at one of our
stores. We are waiting for you!
With the Comercial Ivaiporã app you have exclusive offers and discounts and many others
benefits such as:
- Coupon to compete for the draw for the Vem que Tem campaign, with more than 1200 TVs, more than
40 cars 0km and a house worth R $ 200,000;
- With each purchase made you accumulate points that can be redeemed for discount coupons;
- Cash Back on selected offers;
- Gift card;
- Air miles;
- Exclusive discounts for Clube do Mestre;
- Offers Magazine with all promotions.
Download our app, it is super light, fast and easy to use.
What are you waiting for? You will find comfort, quality and ease here.
Commercial Ivaiporã, building good times in your life!
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