Vallent’s was born 3 years ago, from a dream to create healthier eating habits, where quality and taste are basic principles of our gastronomy, and thus changing the concept of cuisine in our city. The name is a tribute to our daughter Valentina, the firstborn of our home.
Our Chef is passionate about barbecue (meat), hence the idea of the Burger being made on the barbecue grill, giving all that flavor that only the barbecue has !!!! All our ingredients are hand-selected, we always choose the best cuts to maintain an unparalleled quality in our BURGERS, thus promoting the taste and standard quality that only VALLENT’s has !!!
Our Chef is passionate about barbecue (meat), hence the idea of the Burger being made on the barbecue grill, giving all that flavor that only the barbecue has !!!! All our ingredients are hand-selected, we always choose the best cuts to maintain an unparalleled quality in our BURGERS, thus promoting the taste and standard quality that only VALLENT’s has !!!
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