*This is not a stand alone app. IOS 16 lockscreen widgets require KWGT PRO ( not free version of that app).*
IOS 16 lockscreen widgets are now available on android in this newest KWGT pack. A mixture of 25 IOS 16 widgets including the main clock and widgets that you can add above and below the time with various information like weather widgets, alarm widgets, battery widgets and fitness widgets.
Read limitations and fixes below!!
Depending on your operating system (samsung, xiaomi, oppo etc) you might be able to use the widgets on your lockscreen, but you can use the widgets on the homescreen on any android device as long as you have KWGT PRO installed.
Included are 25 widgets (below and above time). More coming with each new update!
Change the color of the widgets and opacity in the Globals tab in KWGT Editor for an easy color change just like in the new IOS 16 update.
Please use anything x4 wide grid in your launcher (eg. 9x4). All the widgets are made like this and will look the best in this configuration. Small widgets are 1x1 so 4 will fit in a row and the larger ones are 2x1.
Also, use Google Fit, Google Calendar in order to get the best readings for the fitness widget and the calendar widgets. If you use different apps, those widgets might not even work!
Fitness widget needs google fit in order to display fitness data. Other apps might work, but it's been tested and working with google fit.
News widget already set up for CNN news, you can change the global value "rssone" for a different rss feed, but I recommend not because some feeds have no images so the widget would not display a thumnail.
Email me for any issues or if you want to change something about a widget.
IOS 16 lockscreen widgets are now available on android in this newest KWGT pack. A mixture of 25 IOS 16 widgets including the main clock and widgets that you can add above and below the time with various information like weather widgets, alarm widgets, battery widgets and fitness widgets.
Read limitations and fixes below!!
Depending on your operating system (samsung, xiaomi, oppo etc) you might be able to use the widgets on your lockscreen, but you can use the widgets on the homescreen on any android device as long as you have KWGT PRO installed.
Included are 25 widgets (below and above time). More coming with each new update!
Change the color of the widgets and opacity in the Globals tab in KWGT Editor for an easy color change just like in the new IOS 16 update.
Please use anything x4 wide grid in your launcher (eg. 9x4). All the widgets are made like this and will look the best in this configuration. Small widgets are 1x1 so 4 will fit in a row and the larger ones are 2x1.
Also, use Google Fit, Google Calendar in order to get the best readings for the fitness widget and the calendar widgets. If you use different apps, those widgets might not even work!
Fitness widget needs google fit in order to display fitness data. Other apps might work, but it's been tested and working with google fit.
News widget already set up for CNN news, you can change the global value "rssone" for a different rss feed, but I recommend not because some feeds have no images so the widget would not display a thumnail.
Email me for any issues or if you want to change something about a widget.
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