ViaFisio, S.L.
100+ downloads


The Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Castile and Leon offers their members and the general public their mobile App for easy access to the content it offers.

With Push Notifications so you miss nothing new.

- News: to keep abreast of everything the College communicates.
- Courses and Conferences: to be fully informed of all that relates to education and school events. With links to the inscriptions on the web.
- Calendar: events and events planned by the school.
- See: information on the collegial headquarters.
- Provincial Delegations: information about our delegations.
- Board of Government: information on the Governing Board of the College.
- Institutional Information: What is the College ?, law creating the College, Purposes and Functions of the College.
- Finder clinics: for providing citizens with the location of professionals.
- Census colleges: public list of referees in accordance with the Omnibus.
- Complaints and claims: to contact the College for any pending settlement situation.
- Annual reports: activities of the organization throughout the year.
- Documents: documents relevant school.
- Social Networks: Link to our social networks.
- Notification History: so that they can see previous notifications even the installation of the App itself.

Download it and begins to participate with the school.

CPFCYL Screenshots