You must act on the first and last drawing of the month by examining the first extract on the wheel of Milan and the fifth extract on the wheel of Naples. The method obtains a quatrain for both parties to play on the wheels of Cagliari, Florence, Genoa, Palermo, Rome and Turin for a maximum of one month with the exclusion of the sortie wheel. Repeat the forecast every beginning of the month. To reset the data, long touch on "Calculate".
The App is to be considered only a digital aid and not an invitation to invest money in the Lotto game.
Please note that the game can be addictive and is forbidden to minors under the age of 18, therefore, the use of this App is reserved for the adult public only.
Law 111, Article 24, paragraphs 19-22 of 15/07/2011 governs the prohibition of participation in games with cash prizes for minors.
The App is to be considered only a digital aid and not an invitation to invest money in the Lotto game.
Please note that the game can be addictive and is forbidden to minors under the age of 18, therefore, the use of this App is reserved for the adult public only.
Law 111, Article 24, paragraphs 19-22 of 15/07/2011 governs the prohibition of participation in games with cash prizes for minors.
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