Vidyakul Learning App - 9-12th icon

Vidyakul Learning App - 9-12th

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About Vidyakul Learning App - 9-12th

Vidyakul’s a revolutionary app for e-learning platforms with recorded classes, live tuitions, handwritten notes, quizzes, mock tests, and pdf notes now for Bihar, UP & Gujarat Board in their local languages for classes 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th board classes. Our extraordinary service ensures that candidates pass their state board exams without fail and achieve perfection. With the help of our refined study material, video class, and expert faculty giving online students are guided through their learning by our expert team. We believe in providing high-quality materials for each subject like questions, videos, problem sets, etc. The most experienced test coaches start a class under various topic areas with all the details of the syllabus & its pattern, doubts, and mock tests, etc.

VidyaKul believes in providing education to every student irrespective of their financial status or location. Be it a student from a native village of Bihar or a student who wants to learn and grow in the suburbs of Uttar Pradesh. With our complete online courses, live classes, quizzes, mock tests, pdf notes, handwritten notes, and modern technology, we are here to cater to all.

Our vision is to make all students study and prosper in the comfort zone of their homes. Be it the 9th and 10th board classes of Bihar State Board or 11th and 12th board classes of Gujarat State Board, we at Vidyakul bring along quizzes, mock tests , pdf notes, handwritten notes , assistance of online tuition and video classes all in one.

Download the Vidyakul app and avail of the following:
Teachers teaching in your local language
Best results in your state board
Classroom like learning
Study Material
Demo Classes
Question Banks
Live classes
Mock Tests
Pdf notes
Handwritten notes

You can watch free live classes of Vidyakul to learn whatever you need to know in your educational career.

Why You Must Download Vidyakul App?

Can't make it to school this week? No problem! Just log in with your username and password, and you'll be transported to a virtual classroom where you can take classes from experienced teachers anytime and anywhere.
While other online tutoring platforms have failed to attract a large base of students, Vidyakul has a robust platform built on the philosophy of trust and transparency.
At Vidyakul, we believe in giving you the best resources and opportunities to complete your education. That's why we make it easy to find a teacher that fits your needs and timeline.

Vidyakul is a leading online tutoring platform offering live tutorials to students of all ages who are preparing for Board Exams and Class X / XII.
Students can ask their online tutors about their academic syllabus, the day's topic, and more.
We offer real-time, classroom-like learning without the need for physical presence.
Accessibility everywhere village, suburb, city, and state.
Teachers with diverse knowledge, teaching in the local language helps to grasp the subject better.

State Board Exam

Free Books Solution & Free Trials for accessing Online Tuition
Catering classes from 9th to 12th
Bihar Board Examination
UP Board Examination
Gujarat Board Examination

In today's competitive world, the question paper comes as a surprise. The pieces are difficult and even challenging, with complex questions and answers that no one has ever covered before. You need an excellent guide to help you crack the state board exam and that’s where Vidyakul can help you do that by teaching you all about the test, preparation techniques, and tips in your language at your comfort.

Bihar Board Teachers
1. Chemistry (रसायन विज्ञान) by Anu sir
2. Hindi (हिन्दी) by Anu Sir
3. Maths (गणित) by Manu sir
4. Physics (भौतिक विज्ञान) by Ram Sundar Sir
5. English (अंग्रेजी) by Prince Kumar

Up Board Teachers
1. Maths (गणित) by Sumit sir
2. Physics (भौतिक विज्ञान) by Mukesh Sir
3. English (अंग्रेजी) by Sahil Kamal
4. Chemistry (रसायन विज्ञान) by Khan Sir
5. Hindi (हिन्दी) by Ashwani Shukla Sir

Vidyakul Learning App - 9-12th Screenshots