PE Calc
The PE Calc app is a calculator based on the Wells’ Criteria prediction rules. The well-validated clinical prediction rule can be applied on the spot to help predict the pretest probability of pulmonary embolism (PE).
When history and physical reveal suspicion of a PE, the PE Calc app can be used to identify patients for whom VTE (venous thromboembolism) is a diagnostic possibility. At risk patients should undergo further testing.
To use PE Calc, enter a yes or no response to each of the criteria:
1. Does the patient exhibit clinical signs & symptoms of DVT?
2. Is PE the #1 diagnosis, or equally likely?
3. Is the heart rate greater than 100?
4. Has the patient been immobilized at least 3 days or undergone surgery within the past 4 weeks?
5. Was the patient objectively diagnosed with PE or DVT previously?
6. Is the patient experiencing hemoptysis?
7. Has the patient received therapeutic or palliative treatment for malignancy within the past 6 months?
PE Calc accepts yes or no answers and assigns a point value to each of the criteria, calculating the total points. PE Calc will then rate patient risk at low, moderate or high probability for PE.
For questions or comments about the PE Calc app, contact:
The PE Calc app is a calculator based on the Wells’ Criteria prediction rules. The well-validated clinical prediction rule can be applied on the spot to help predict the pretest probability of pulmonary embolism (PE).
When history and physical reveal suspicion of a PE, the PE Calc app can be used to identify patients for whom VTE (venous thromboembolism) is a diagnostic possibility. At risk patients should undergo further testing.
To use PE Calc, enter a yes or no response to each of the criteria:
1. Does the patient exhibit clinical signs & symptoms of DVT?
2. Is PE the #1 diagnosis, or equally likely?
3. Is the heart rate greater than 100?
4. Has the patient been immobilized at least 3 days or undergone surgery within the past 4 weeks?
5. Was the patient objectively diagnosed with PE or DVT previously?
6. Is the patient experiencing hemoptysis?
7. Has the patient received therapeutic or palliative treatment for malignancy within the past 6 months?
PE Calc accepts yes or no answers and assigns a point value to each of the criteria, calculating the total points. PE Calc will then rate patient risk at low, moderate or high probability for PE.
For questions or comments about the PE Calc app, contact:
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