The Biography of Lord Kabir
God Kabir is generally known to the masses as "Kabir Das", The Weaver Saint of Varanasi (Banaras or Kashi, India). The irony is that Supreme God Kabir himself appeared on this earth but came to be known as a "Das" (servant) to the world. He is such a master of trickery that no one could get his secret, bar a few like Guru Nanak Dev Ji (of Talawandi, Punjab), Dharamdas Ji (of Bandhavgarh, M.P.), Dadu Ji (of Gujarat) upon whom He Himself showered his grace and made them aware of His status. The Vedas are a testimony to this trait of the Supreme God (Rig Ved Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 6). In this mantra, Supreme God has been addressed as a "Taskar" (Smuggler), one who operates by cheating. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has also called him a "Thug", a cheat (Rag Siri Mehla Pehla, SGGS Page 24).
The Appearance of God Kabir
Kabir Sahib came in the Bhakti era i.e. in the medieval period of our history. His unique and valuable Kabir Vani/poetry is an invaluable treasure to the literary world. Many secrets are hidden in those poems/ Kabir Vani that are famous as Kabir Amrit Vani, what did Lord Kabir try to teach through his poems. We have been listening to Kabir Ji’s poems since our childhood days. One may wonder, then Who is Kabir? The poet / the saint whom the whole world calls a weaver is actually God who came in human form and gave true spiritual knowledge to his beloved souls. This has been proved in all the holy scriptures ie. pious Quran Sharif, pious Vedas, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib that Kabir is God.
Let us move ahead and know who were the parents of God Kabir when 600 years ago He descended in this mortal world? and where did Almighty Kabir descend?
Who were the Father and Mother of Kabir Sahib?
As stated in Vedas, Almighty Kabir is never born from a mother’s womb. He is self-proclaimed. He meets a childless couple who serve him by raising him in child-form. 600 years ago when Kabir Ji descended, Neeru and Neema, the childless couple who were weavers, brought Lord Kabir from Lehartala pond to their home and served him in child form. Kabir Sahib had chosen Neeru and Neema as their parents. This was a divine spectacle of Almighty Kabir Ji.
The Incarnation of Almighty Kabir
In Kaliyuga, Kabir Sahib had descended on the Lahartara pond in Kashi which was having water from the Ganges river. In the year 1398 ( Vikram Samvat 1455) or full moon day (Poornima) of the first month. When He came, at that time, sage Ashtanand Ji, a disciple of Swami Ramanand Ji, was meditating there and his eyes were dazzled by the bright light which dissolved in a lotus flower.
God Kabir Proof in Pious Vedas
It has been clearly depicted in Vedas that KavirDev (Lord Kabir) comes in every Yuga, he doesn't take birth from a mother's womb and his childhood upbringing is done by maiden cows. He attains the position of a poet for teaching Tatvagyan in the form of poems/ Kabir Vani to his beloved souls.
Let us study shreds of evidence in pious Vedas.
Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Rigved, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 17
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9
Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Yajurveda mentions that God Kabir himself appears on this earth to spread his knowledge. His name is mentioned in the Vedas as "Kavir Dev" which is the same as "Kabir"
समिद्धः-अद्य-मनुषः-दुरोणे-देवः-देवान्-यज्-असि- जात-वेदः-आ- च-वह-मित्रामहः-चिकित्वान्-त्वम्-दूतः- कविर्-असि-प्रचेताः। 25 |
Meaning: One, who brings and imparts the healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti of the Purna Parmatma who is kind and the real friend of a living being, in the form of a messenger is Himself, Kabir
Rigved, Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17
It has been mentioned that Supreme God appears on this earth by acquiring the form of a child and then delivers His pure knowledge (i.e. Tattavgyan) to His followers through (KavirgirbhiH) Kabir Vaani (Speech).
God Kabir is generally known to the masses as "Kabir Das", The Weaver Saint of Varanasi (Banaras or Kashi, India). The irony is that Supreme God Kabir himself appeared on this earth but came to be known as a "Das" (servant) to the world. He is such a master of trickery that no one could get his secret, bar a few like Guru Nanak Dev Ji (of Talawandi, Punjab), Dharamdas Ji (of Bandhavgarh, M.P.), Dadu Ji (of Gujarat) upon whom He Himself showered his grace and made them aware of His status. The Vedas are a testimony to this trait of the Supreme God (Rig Ved Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 6). In this mantra, Supreme God has been addressed as a "Taskar" (Smuggler), one who operates by cheating. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has also called him a "Thug", a cheat (Rag Siri Mehla Pehla, SGGS Page 24).
The Appearance of God Kabir
Kabir Sahib came in the Bhakti era i.e. in the medieval period of our history. His unique and valuable Kabir Vani/poetry is an invaluable treasure to the literary world. Many secrets are hidden in those poems/ Kabir Vani that are famous as Kabir Amrit Vani, what did Lord Kabir try to teach through his poems. We have been listening to Kabir Ji’s poems since our childhood days. One may wonder, then Who is Kabir? The poet / the saint whom the whole world calls a weaver is actually God who came in human form and gave true spiritual knowledge to his beloved souls. This has been proved in all the holy scriptures ie. pious Quran Sharif, pious Vedas, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib that Kabir is God.
Let us move ahead and know who were the parents of God Kabir when 600 years ago He descended in this mortal world? and where did Almighty Kabir descend?
Who were the Father and Mother of Kabir Sahib?
As stated in Vedas, Almighty Kabir is never born from a mother’s womb. He is self-proclaimed. He meets a childless couple who serve him by raising him in child-form. 600 years ago when Kabir Ji descended, Neeru and Neema, the childless couple who were weavers, brought Lord Kabir from Lehartala pond to their home and served him in child form. Kabir Sahib had chosen Neeru and Neema as their parents. This was a divine spectacle of Almighty Kabir Ji.
The Incarnation of Almighty Kabir
In Kaliyuga, Kabir Sahib had descended on the Lahartara pond in Kashi which was having water from the Ganges river. In the year 1398 ( Vikram Samvat 1455) or full moon day (Poornima) of the first month. When He came, at that time, sage Ashtanand Ji, a disciple of Swami Ramanand Ji, was meditating there and his eyes were dazzled by the bright light which dissolved in a lotus flower.
God Kabir Proof in Pious Vedas
It has been clearly depicted in Vedas that KavirDev (Lord Kabir) comes in every Yuga, he doesn't take birth from a mother's womb and his childhood upbringing is done by maiden cows. He attains the position of a poet for teaching Tatvagyan in the form of poems/ Kabir Vani to his beloved souls.
Let us study shreds of evidence in pious Vedas.
Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Rigved, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 17
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9
Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25
Yajurveda mentions that God Kabir himself appears on this earth to spread his knowledge. His name is mentioned in the Vedas as "Kavir Dev" which is the same as "Kabir"
समिद्धः-अद्य-मनुषः-दुरोणे-देवः-देवान्-यज्-असि- जात-वेदः-आ- च-वह-मित्रामहः-चिकित्वान्-त्वम्-दूतः- कविर्-असि-प्रचेताः। 25 |
Meaning: One, who brings and imparts the healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti of the Purna Parmatma who is kind and the real friend of a living being, in the form of a messenger is Himself, Kabir
Rigved, Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17
It has been mentioned that Supreme God appears on this earth by acquiring the form of a child and then delivers His pure knowledge (i.e. Tattavgyan) to His followers through (KavirgirbhiH) Kabir Vaani (Speech).
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