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ВВ Партнер

1,000+ downloads

About ВВ Партнер

We have a convenient system for managing orders made through the VkusVill application. With its help, our partners can process orders, manage their offers and create promotions, attracting a large VkusVill audience to their products.

How it works? If you are a partner of VkusVill, everything is simple:
1. The user places an order with you through our mobile application
2. You see the order in the application for partners VkusVilla
3. You confirm it and start cooking
4. The order prepared for shipment is picked up by the courier
5. The user receives his order at the specified time

- There are many features in one app
- Orders are tracked and processed in real time
- Multiple employees can use the application at the same time

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ВВ Партнер Screenshots