This application is a free application as a study guide for students who will take the CPNS / PPPK acceptance test at academies, polytechnics and official high schools in Indonesia, the questions are equipped with answer keys and discussion.
The questions given for study guides include:
TIU questions (general intelligence test) include quantitative questions, basic mathematics, anatomy, anthology, synonyms, word equivalents.
The TWK questions (National Insight Test) include questions about the 45 Constitution, questions about Indonesian history, questions about PPKN, questions about geography, and socio-culture.
TKP questions (Personal Characteristics tests) include Personal Character Questions
The questions given for study guides include:
TIU questions (general intelligence test) include quantitative questions, basic mathematics, anatomy, anthology, synonyms, word equivalents.
The TWK questions (National Insight Test) include questions about the 45 Constitution, questions about Indonesian history, questions about PPKN, questions about geography, and socio-culture.
TKP questions (Personal Characteristics tests) include Personal Character Questions
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