Malvani Recipes is a Free app has the largest offline collection of Malvani , Kokani and Marathi Foods and Recipes.
This free recipe app spread across major categories Non-Vegetarian to Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Drinks/Beverages, Deserts, Snacks , Sweets, Sabzi & Rice.
All the recipes in this easy cookbook have been organized and cataloged so that you can relate the recipes by Categories, Cuisines and Ingredients.
Features :-
You can access this whole app in offline .
You can share recipes with friends and families.
You can get Information about tourist places in Malvan and Sindhudurg.
This free recipe app spread across major categories Non-Vegetarian to Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Drinks/Beverages, Deserts, Snacks , Sweets, Sabzi & Rice.
All the recipes in this easy cookbook have been organized and cataloged so that you can relate the recipes by Categories, Cuisines and Ingredients.
Features :-
You can access this whole app in offline .
You can share recipes with friends and families.
You can get Information about tourist places in Malvan and Sindhudurg.
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