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Wagner Sentry®

Wagner Meters
100+ downloads

About Wagner Sentry®

Wagner Sentry® is a multipurpose smart device app built to control and download stored data from wireless relative humidity and temperature data logger devices from Wagner Meters. The app connects, via Bluetooth, to the Floor Sentry® embedded wood floor data logger.

Floor Sentry and the Wagner Sentry App:
- Protection for your hardwood floors!
- Monitor the health of your wood floor in real time
- Name the device and set the units of measurement (F/C)
- Configure timed recording intervals
- Download all stored temperature and relative humidity (RH) readings in the wood floor and below in the subfloor or underlayment
- Display stored RH and temperature readings from above and below as either a readings list or as a graph
- Compile readings' data and email reports

Wagner Sentry® Screenshots