GRUBY - Fondos de pantalla HD icon

GRUBY - Fondos de pantalla HD

4.9 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About GRUBY - Fondos de pantalla HD

Download our wallpapers application and discover a wide collection of wallpapers to personalize your device. We offer high-quality wallpapers in 4K resolution as well as moving backgrounds to give your screen an animated touch. In addition, we have a selection of live wallpapers to bring your phone to life. Find the perfect wallpaper for you and give a unique touch to your device with our wallpaper application.

👍 Integrated search to find content quickly.
👍 Dark mode supported.
👍 Adaptable for almost any device.
👍Large collection of high-quality wallpapers in 4K resolution
👍Moving wallpapers to bring life to your screen
👍Selection of live wallpapers to personalize your device
👍Easy navigation and search of wallpapers by category or keyword
👍Download and set wallpapers directly from the app
👍Option to save your favorite wallpapers to a favorites list for quick access
👍Frequent updates with new collections and wallpapers

✅ Can I find images of different resolutions? 🤔
You will only find high quality images in Full HD and Ultra HD resolutions.
✅ If I want to download an image in HD or Ultra HD, do I have to pay? 🤔
Of course not, you can download high quality wallpapers totally free and you can download as many as you want.
✅ How can I find the best wallpapers for me? 🤔
Thanks to the intelligent search engine that our application includes, you can easily find the wallpaper you want, you only have to write a keyword that refers to your search, for example, if you are looking for animal wallpapers, you can write, animals, or if you want something more specific, you can write dog wallpapers. To have a better experience, we recommend you use a precise word for what you are looking for and we will quickly find it for you.
✅ What kind of wallpapers can you find in the app? 🤔
Thanks to our large collection, you can find practically any type, such as: moving wallpapers, animated wallpapers, car wallpapers, superhero wallpapers, movie wallpapers, animal wallpapers, celebrity wallpapers, nature wallpapers, video game wallpapers and many more.
✅ Can the app quickly download my device? 🤔
As only high resolution images are displayed, allowing them to fit your screen size correctly, this saves energy and internet usage, giving maximum speed without loss of quality.


The wallpapers displayed in this app are under common creative license and the credit belongs to their respective owners. The images displayed here are not endorsed by any of the prospective owners and all wallpapers are used for personalization and aesthetic purposes only. Our application may contain images or short parts of videos that belong to third parties. All content belongs to their respective owners. In our app, they are only used for personalization and are never claimed to have any rights to them. Therefore, there is no copyright infringement, however, we do honor any request to permanently remove any name, logo, or image. If you want more information or have any questions or requests, you can contact us here:

GRUBY - Fondos de pantalla HD Screenshots