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Banco Patagonia
1,000+ downloads

About wapa

Banco Patagonia created wapa to offer you new payment methods.

With wapa you can: accept cards from the main brands, charge virtually, offer installments with and without interest and create your own product catalog. And the most important thing is that you can manage all your sales from the app!

Adhere and start operating with electronic payments instantly. I acquired your Pos online and accept face-to-face charges.

Look at everything you will be able to do if you have a business or provide a service:

× generate your own payment links and send them through networks, mail or whatsapp
× collect in person, at any time and in any place
× manage your business in simple steps
× look at your sales metrics
× control your stocks
× follow the sales of each of your sellers

We want you to grow. We are here to help you!.
We are wapa: a simple and fast way to charge.

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