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واصل للتاجر

Masar for Tech Solution
10+ downloads

About واصل للتاجر

Wasel provides the delivery service as we act as an intermediary between the customer and the restaurant, you can order within a few very simple and fast steps unlike the traditional method by phone 1- Specify your address 2- Choose your favorite restaurant 3- Order your food with the click of a button.

Advantages of Wasel Trader App:
-Control Panel
Restaurant management app
- Follow up on orders
- Increase your sales
- Reach more clients
Sales Reports -

Increase your sales:
Increase your revenue with Wasel Trader today! Our platform helps you open new sales channels through which you can receive more orders.

Reach more clients:

Reach more customers with Wasel Merchant anywhere in the Wilayat of Salalah and don't worry about coverage with us

واصل للتاجر Screenshots