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About 万能歩数計

To bring together a variety of functions required to diet and health management! automatically walking, sleep, exercise, location please to record and market's first universal pedometer! It is 100% free :-)

Pedometer: How much will automatically measured how did things during the day (exhaustion of the battery is very small)
Calorie Counter: day-to-day activities and the movement to automatically recognize and measure the diet calorie
sleep meter: Determine whether the sleeping how last night, and greeting as "Good Morning" in the morning
scales: to record the changes in body weight and easy to manage a diet to BMI of computer of
location diary: (very little influence of the battery) life log to please with the location visited
path tracker: amount of movement to the (automobile, airplane, bicycle) were measured, shows the route on the map
movement meter: will automatically recognize the operation of the various movements. Note: The arm band is necessary, any of the arm band and can be used (sit-ups, push-ups, squats, hula hoop, jump rope, Ile descriptor Tikal, running machine)
heart rate measuring instrument: to accurately measure the heart rate based on the camera. Please to record / easily manage your health condition. No daily measurement limit

comparison advantage
• detailed analysis of the data Top5 location / path, sleep / walking pattern analysis, Daily / Weekly Trend analysis
Auto Fitness Tracker (compared to user input system)
is less impact to the battery (GPS-based pedometer ratio)
top priority to privacy , data storage of his or her mobile phone only (service-based application ratio)
of sync with the server and wearable devices (SYNC) totally unnecessary than quickly and easily available
100% Free and external hardware is not required (compared to the wearable device-based method)
, (compared to the method of only simple pedometer) provides advanced motion recognition

• Fitness and Sports Tracker, please repeated at least five times the movement behavior to wear any of the arm band and.
• Fitness and Sports Tracker, in some of the smart phone, does not support the limitation of the sensor and the form factor
• pedometer to measure the pace, in the case of the latest mobile phone, use the hardware pedometer.
• Weight loss record meter is not automatic. To enter your weight, please click on the pencil icon.
• Please do not put the sleep measurement system to use circle phone on top of the bed. In front of you as always, please put on a stable location such as a desk.
• for heart rate measurement, (until the measurement screen turns red) the tip of the finger, please put lightly on the back camera lens wear. If there is no flash in the mobile phone, please measured in a bright location.

is about our
Universal pedometer exercise, diet, and if it had focused on health management life log and ego quantification app. Universal pedometer is currently in beta. We would appreciate comments, please e-mail bugs and request features in wearablelab @ gmail.com. Have a good time together with the universal pedometer!

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