BOXX Bonus mobile application - accumulate bonus points, pay for purchases with them, be aware of news and promotions, and place your order in the application!
The catalog of goods with top positions in the BOXX furniture and interior network network on your phone!
You can follow the news, updates, receive unique offers, and also - accumulate points, because the percentage of each purchase will be returned to your account in the form of points.
We have prepared the best promotions from us and our partners so that the joy of the purchase lasts as long as possible! Spend points on the necessary and pleasant gifts!
You will no longer miss the coolest promotions, because all the latest news is always in the app.
Join our club, friends! And make your purchases even more pleasant!
The catalog of goods with top positions in the BOXX furniture and interior network network on your phone!
You can follow the news, updates, receive unique offers, and also - accumulate points, because the percentage of each purchase will be returned to your account in the form of points.
We have prepared the best promotions from us and our partners so that the joy of the purchase lasts as long as possible! Spend points on the necessary and pleasant gifts!
You will no longer miss the coolest promotions, because all the latest news is always in the app.
Join our club, friends! And make your purchases even more pleasant!
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