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About Equition

Equition is an intuitive stock market app for sophisticated long-term portfolio optimization.

By choosing the right combination of stocks that maximize the Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, or Оmega ratio, an investor can significantly increase the expected return on a portfolio while reducing the risk of long-term investing.

The app provides complete manual control over the portfolio contents. So the investor can make independent decisions about asset allocation, rechecking them with the displayed profitability metrics.

Looking for technical analysis tools? This is not a technical analysis based on belief in patterns. These are hardcore mathematical statistics based on probability theory. The formulas do not predict the future, but in the most accurate way summarize the past and the present. As long as the trend is your friend, you understand how valuable it is.

📈 Multiple personalized portfolios to compare the performance of future investments when choosing different combinations of securities

📈 Summarized financial data simplified to price charts, annual returns with compound interest, and risk-adjusted returns

📈 Huge selection of securities: stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETF)

📈 Rich choice of indicators: Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, Upside potential ratio, Оmega ratio, Volatility, Downside deviation

📈 True returns with dividends: Cash dividends are included in the calculations as if they were immediately reinvested back into the same shares

📈 Buy and Sell hints for choosing a single security, the purchase or sale of which will improve portfolio metrics

Please remember that the past performance is no guarantee of future results, so this application should be a complement to, not a substitute for your own analysis of the market.

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