Rainbow Dino is an endless runner for Mobile, TV and Wear OS watches.
You could try to see how much you could score or which speed you're able to reach.
The fearsome Vita is available for you to play, so you could save and unlock 7 others friends ... if you succeed in achieving goals based on score and/or speed.
Rainbow Dino is a game available on
- Wear OS 1.5 watches (install phone app to upload it on your watch)
- Wear OS 2+ watches (install wear app directly on your watch with Google Play).
- Android/Google TV
- Smartphone
Graphics by Arks, DemChing, Adarsh, Jesse M, Narik, Viktor Hahn, Ragnar Random
You could try to see how much you could score or which speed you're able to reach.
The fearsome Vita is available for you to play, so you could save and unlock 7 others friends ... if you succeed in achieving goals based on score and/or speed.
Rainbow Dino is a game available on
- Wear OS 1.5 watches (install phone app to upload it on your watch)
- Wear OS 2+ watches (install wear app directly on your watch with Google Play).
- Android/Google TV
- Smartphone
Graphics by Arks, DemChing, Adarsh, Jesse M, Narik, Viktor Hahn, Ragnar Random
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