Greetings! This program is designed to monitor your mining farms in real time, which are connected to the pool.
Tracking takes into account the following information:
1. Current, average and transmitted hash rate;
2. Valid, not valid and not bad "balls";
3. Not paid balance, only in ETH;
4. What is the daily profit;
5. The number of active farms;
6. A list of farms where the hash rate is monitored on each particular farm, and the last time it was seen by the pool.
Write reviews, ideas on functionality, what would you like to see, we already have several ideas, so be sure to wait for updates. Rate it
Thanks Windows Digital
Ethermine Miner Tracker
Tracking takes into account the following information:
1. Current, average and transmitted hash rate;
2. Valid, not valid and not bad "balls";
3. Not paid balance, only in ETH;
4. What is the daily profit;
5. The number of active farms;
6. A list of farms where the hash rate is monitored on each particular farm, and the last time it was seen by the pool.
Write reviews, ideas on functionality, what would you like to see, we already have several ideas, so be sure to wait for updates. Rate it
Thanks Windows Digital
Ethermine Miner Tracker
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