With DLEX for Android connects you to your office : time registration, contacts, agenda, tasks, all on-the-go.
With DLex on your Android smarphone and tablet you’re always connected to your office to work the way that you want to.
No more wasted time while travelling, or in court: you can register your time and enter timesheets, consult your tasks and agenda, quick access to your contacts to call or mail them on-the-go.
Any information entered or modified on your Android device is available on your desktop in real time and vice versa.
This mobile application is only available for DLEX customers.
The update of DLex Mobile is coupled with the update of the desktop version of DLex. In other words, to benefit from the latest version of DLex Mobile, you have to install the latest version of DLex on your computer.
If you would like to learn more about DLEX, Legal software for lawyers and legal counsels, please go to www.wolterskluwer.be/dlex
With DLex on your Android smarphone and tablet you’re always connected to your office to work the way that you want to.
No more wasted time while travelling, or in court: you can register your time and enter timesheets, consult your tasks and agenda, quick access to your contacts to call or mail them on-the-go.
Any information entered or modified on your Android device is available on your desktop in real time and vice versa.
This mobile application is only available for DLEX customers.
The update of DLex Mobile is coupled with the update of the desktop version of DLex. In other words, to benefit from the latest version of DLex Mobile, you have to install the latest version of DLex on your computer.
If you would like to learn more about DLEX, Legal software for lawyers and legal counsels, please go to www.wolterskluwer.be/dlex
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