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Erhan Öztürk
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The Speech is the text of the speech of Gazi Mustafa Kemal, who was the general head of the Republican People's Party at the time of his writing, summarizing the activities of himself and his comrades from 1919 to 1927, from 15-20 October 1927.

Thanks to his documents, Nutuk reveals Atatürk's identity as a historian. Atatürk gathered the recorded documents about the events and summarized his actions based on these documents while writing Nutuk.

The Speech is an important work in the history of the Republic, in which Atatürk narrates the War of Independence period firsthand.

With his Nutuk, Atatürk tells about the past and also talks about the lessons to be taken in order to anticipate future dangers. Atatürk once again demonstrated his farsightedness with the words "such details are given for easy and clear evaluation of the situation in the following years", which he clearly stated on some pages.

At the same time, this book taught at the moment Turkey T. C. He played the biggest role in the preparation of the course and workbooks of the History of Revolution and Kemalism course. This book describes the events that took place in the period from 19 May 1919, when Atatürk arrived in Samsun, to the period of the post-Republic revolution (1927).

This application facilitates NUTUK in a detailed way, allowing the reader to easily access documents, information about people and explanations of concepts that were important in that period.

People, documents and important terms were toned in color and enabled to get information when you click on it.