Traceability retroactive Number Lookup (agricultural, food) safety traceability, production traceability (Source: Government of publicly available information)
Ultra-lightweight, super-simple, super-fast update
Installation instructions:
The program requires Zxing scan recognition software, if you are the first scan, the system can not find the software will ask you to customize the Google Play Store to download and install Zxing software, this is normal! After Zxing installed, please manually open once (later would not have had) in order to avoid the hit the welcome screen when you first use the subsequent use!
Manually enter history dating back number:
1. Enter the number in the dialogue history dating back window
2. Click "OK"
Scan the bar code, QR-Code
1. Align the scan dialog window To scan QR-Code or Barcode
2. Wait query results data scan is completed
Back keys are back on a query page
To leave the system please click on "leave the program."
Ultra-lightweight, super-simple, super-fast update
Installation instructions:
The program requires Zxing scan recognition software, if you are the first scan, the system can not find the software will ask you to customize the Google Play Store to download and install Zxing software, this is normal! After Zxing installed, please manually open once (later would not have had) in order to avoid the hit the welcome screen when you first use the subsequent use!
Manually enter history dating back number:
1. Enter the number in the dialogue history dating back window
2. Click "OK"
Scan the bar code, QR-Code
1. Align the scan dialog window To scan QR-Code or Barcode
2. Wait query results data scan is completed
Back keys are back on a query page
To leave the system please click on "leave the program."
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