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Rami des Héros

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About Rami des Héros

Rummy (or rummy), famous card game arrives in a new version, free and without compromise!

Rummy you must get rid of your cards as soon as possible by forming combinations, either consecutive cards, or cards of the same value.
Play your 3 to 5 players against an artificial intelligence larger than life.

Better still participate in rummy tournament, made a place in the tournaments of your department, region, France and even see the world! Who will be the first world champion Rummy?

No stress, the hero of rummy interface has been designed to offer the greatest possible comfort, so that you can focus on the game and nothing else.

Many options allow you to play by your rules.

Other features will be added as and feel free to give your opinion in the comments or email.

Try Rummy heroes is to adopt it, go ahead, it's free!

Discover the Tarot Heroes and the Chairman of the same author

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