This mp3 player application contains complete offline jaipongan songs.
Jaipongan was born through a creative process from the cold hands of H. Suanda around 1976 in Karawang, jaipongan is a work that combines several elements of the traditional Karawang art such as pencak silat, wayang golek, banjet masks, tap tilu and others. Jaipongan in Karawang grew rapidly starting in 1976, marked by the emergence of the SUANDA GROUP's jaipongan recordings with simple instruments consisting of drums, percussion, kecrek, goong, rebab and sinden or artis kawih. With the recording media without the label (indie label) jaipongan began to be distributed independently by H Suanda in the Karawang area and its surroundings. Unexpectedly, Jaipongan received a warm welcome, then jaipongan became a means of entertainment for the Karawang community and received considerable appreciation from the entire Karawang community and became a new phenomenon in the Karawang cultural arts space, especially folk entertainment performing arts. The position of Jaipongan at that time became an alternative entertainment performance art from the traditional arts that had grown and developed earlier in Karawang such as penca silat, banjet masks, tap tilu, tarling and wayang golek. The existence of jaipong gives a new and different color and style in its packaging, starting from the arrangement in the musical composition to the form of the dance composition.
Maybe some of us only know the origin of the jaipong dance from Bandung or don't even know where it came from. Quoted from the words of the head of the Karawang Culture and Tourism Office, Acep Jamhuri “Jaipong is originally from Karawang. Born since 1979 which came from Tepak Mask. Then brought to Bandung by the artist there, Gugum Gumilar. Finally packed with recording. The Karawang artists were brought with Suwanda. When successful, the good one is Bandung. Karawang is only known for its gendang or nayaga (music player). That's why now we at Disbudpar will try to re-explore the art of Jaipong dance that this is an art that actually originates from Karawang ”. This dance was brought to the city of Bandung by Gugum Gumbira, around the 1960s, with the aim of developing a dance originating from Karawang in the city of Bandung which created a type of social music and dance that was extracted from the wealth of traditional arts of the people of the archipelago, especially West Java. Although it is a relatively new creation of dance, jaipongan was developed based on previously developed folk arts, such as Tap Tilu, Kliningan, and Ronggeng. Gumbira's attention to folk arts, one of which is the Tap Tilu, makes him know and get to know very well the repertoire of traditional dance movement patterns that exist in Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. The movements of openings, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of mincid movements from several arts are the inspiration for developing jaipongan art.
The advantages of this application are:
-100% offline
-can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere
- good audio quality
-Simple appearance and easy to use
-Can run in the background
* notes:
no internet connection is required to play the songs in this application
?? Disclaimer:
*** All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the song.
Jaipongan was born through a creative process from the cold hands of H. Suanda around 1976 in Karawang, jaipongan is a work that combines several elements of the traditional Karawang art such as pencak silat, wayang golek, banjet masks, tap tilu and others. Jaipongan in Karawang grew rapidly starting in 1976, marked by the emergence of the SUANDA GROUP's jaipongan recordings with simple instruments consisting of drums, percussion, kecrek, goong, rebab and sinden or artis kawih. With the recording media without the label (indie label) jaipongan began to be distributed independently by H Suanda in the Karawang area and its surroundings. Unexpectedly, Jaipongan received a warm welcome, then jaipongan became a means of entertainment for the Karawang community and received considerable appreciation from the entire Karawang community and became a new phenomenon in the Karawang cultural arts space, especially folk entertainment performing arts. The position of Jaipongan at that time became an alternative entertainment performance art from the traditional arts that had grown and developed earlier in Karawang such as penca silat, banjet masks, tap tilu, tarling and wayang golek. The existence of jaipong gives a new and different color and style in its packaging, starting from the arrangement in the musical composition to the form of the dance composition.
Maybe some of us only know the origin of the jaipong dance from Bandung or don't even know where it came from. Quoted from the words of the head of the Karawang Culture and Tourism Office, Acep Jamhuri “Jaipong is originally from Karawang. Born since 1979 which came from Tepak Mask. Then brought to Bandung by the artist there, Gugum Gumilar. Finally packed with recording. The Karawang artists were brought with Suwanda. When successful, the good one is Bandung. Karawang is only known for its gendang or nayaga (music player). That's why now we at Disbudpar will try to re-explore the art of Jaipong dance that this is an art that actually originates from Karawang ”. This dance was brought to the city of Bandung by Gugum Gumbira, around the 1960s, with the aim of developing a dance originating from Karawang in the city of Bandung which created a type of social music and dance that was extracted from the wealth of traditional arts of the people of the archipelago, especially West Java. Although it is a relatively new creation of dance, jaipongan was developed based on previously developed folk arts, such as Tap Tilu, Kliningan, and Ronggeng. Gumbira's attention to folk arts, one of which is the Tap Tilu, makes him know and get to know very well the repertoire of traditional dance movement patterns that exist in Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. The movements of openings, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of mincid movements from several arts are the inspiration for developing jaipongan art.
The advantages of this application are:
-100% offline
-can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere
- good audio quality
-Simple appearance and easy to use
-Can run in the background
* notes:
no internet connection is required to play the songs in this application
?? Disclaimer:
*** All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the song.
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