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Surah Yasheen

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About Surah Yasheen

Surah Yaseen is read after Fajr, for marriage, for & during pregnancy, for asking forgiveness from Allah, and at the time of death or after death to ease the pain
One of the most revered times to read Surah Yaseen is just after the Fajr prayer. Besides the promised reward, it is undoubtedly the best way to start the day right. We all lead busy lives; but the importance of starting the day right is all the more necessary for it.
The surah focuses on establishing the Qur'an as a divine source, and it warns of the fate of those who mock God's revelations and are stubborn. The surah tells of the punishments that plagued past generations of nonbelievers as a warning to present and future generations.
Does Surah Yaseen grant wishes
Image result for surah yaseen benefits
According to narrators our prophet said that reading surah yaseen grant our wishes, here is the hadith: Whoever pursues Surah Yaseen toward the start of the day, every one of his requirements for that day would be satisfied.

Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen
Multiplied Rewards: Many scholars have said that the reward for reciting Surah Yasin full once is as much as reading the Holy Quran ten times. The greater reward from Allah is a key reason why Surah Yasin is considered so important.
Forgiveness from Allah: Believers reciting Surah Yasin with a clean heart are sure to be forgiven for their sins by Allah while they are asleep.
Spiritual Guidance: Those who recite this surah regularly are guided by Allah in everyday matters. It takes away fear and apprehension and gives one the strength to sail through tough times:
Peaceful Passing: It is suggested to recit Yasin shareef to a dying person as it helps them to peacefully pass to the other side.
2- Reading Surah Yaseen will get our sins forgiven
We must also not forget that reading and reciting the Quran in this worldly life will intercede for us on Judgment day. Hence, reciting Surah Yaseen a lot will make us worthy of that reward anyway.
3- Reciting Surah Yaseen will help you attain martyrdom
We must also not forget that reading and reciting the Quran in this worldly life will intercede for us on Judgment day. Hence, reciting Surah Yaseen a lot will make us worthy of that reward anyway.

4- Reading Surah Yaseen helps us attain great rewards in the holy month of Ramadan
We should recite lots and lots of Surah Yaseen in the month of Ramadan to make the most out of the holy month.

It is evident from this Hadith that Surah Yasin is recommended to be recited close to the dying person. A man who is leaving this world needs spiritual help and solace to pass on to succeeding world with ease so around this time if the Heart of Quran is recited, it helps the diminishing soul and brings peace and comfort to the excruciating process.

Helps in Life issues
Reciting The Yaseen every day helps you solve the problems of this worldly life and eases the tests of life or a life partner. The recitation invokes the blessing of Allah SWT on the reciter. This surah is also known for abolishing multiple fears from the heart. Fulfills the Needs

If you need complete support from Allah, try making a habit of reciting Surah Yaseen at Fajr. You will find how easily you had gone through from all the hurdles and problems came into your way that day. Plus, Allah SWT will suffice you and fulfill all your needs.

Reciting Quran itself has been a reward in itself. We are luckiest to have Allah’s message in the form of Quran and so blessed to have the opportunity to read and understand this miraculous Divine Book. May Allah SWT give all the believers the understanding of Quran and its beautiful Surahs. Ameen.

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