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Sweet Cafe

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10,000+ downloads

About Sweet Cafe

Healing Cafe Simulation Game Sweet Cafe! Let's get started right now~!

========== Game progression ==========
- Please refer to about 60 recipes and make delicious coffee for customers.
- Get a better barista experience by upgrading various Ingredients and machines.
- Decorate the cafe beautifully with various interior design.

========== BGM info ==========
◎ Title
Song : HEMIO - Dream
Follow Artist : https://www.youtube.com/user/FVGozak
Music promoted by DayDreamSound : https://youtu.be/QHvBRGnWgqU

◎ Background
Song : Rainbow Rice - 봄이 오네요
Follow Artist : http://bit.ly/37Ud2pI
Music promoted by DayDreamSound : https://youtu.be/m_QABlGnpns

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