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Fractions Calculator

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About Fractions Calculator

With this free App you can solve fraction related problems and exercises such as: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Simplification, Comparison between Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions.

You have 6 sections:
1. Perform basic arithmetic operations between Proper and Improper Fractions;
2. Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Compare Mix or Compound Fractions or Numbers;
3. Shows steps, namely how the Denominator and Numerator are combined for Solution / Result.;
4. Simplify Fractions;
5. Conversion of a Decimal Numbers to Fraction;
6. Calculate GCD, Greatest Common Divisor;

In the first section where the Numerators and denominators are you can add multiple Numbers / Operators which will be automatically calculated.

Complex fraction could be inserted and calculated using the Division Sign (/).

You can use positive or negative numbers, integers, decimals.
You can set Decimals Numbers and choose a Light or Dark Theme.

Fractions Calculator Screenshots