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About Ynamdar

Ynamdar - Türkmenistanda onlaýn market hyzmatyny hödürleýän öňdebaryjy platformalaryň biridir.
Bizi bäsdeşlerimizden tapawutlandyrýan aýratynlyklarymyz:
- Tölegi nagt görnüş bilen bir hatarda bank kartlarynyň üsti bilen hem kabul edýäris.
- Sargytlaryňyzy gapyňyza çenli mugt eltip berýäris.
- Harytlaryň hiline doly kepil geçýäris. Ýagny, harytlaryň diňe resmi dilleri ýa-da öndürijisi bilen hyzmatdaşlyk edýäris.
- Harytlary iň elýeterli bahalardan Size hödürleýäris.
- Platformada türkmençe we rusça dil goldawyny doly üpjün edýäris.
Size ýüzlerçe brendlere degişli bolan müňlerçe haryt görnüşlerini hödürleýäris. Haryt görnüşlerimizi sizden gelýän isleg we teklipleriň esasynda köpeltmäge dowam edýäris.
Eltip bermek hyzmatyny Aşgabat şäheriniň, Büzmeýiniň we Änew şäheriniň çägi boýunça ýerine ýetirýäris. Eger haýsydyr bir haryt göwnüňize ýaramasa tölegiňizi geçirmezden öň ony yzyna gaýtaryp bilersiňiz.
Onlaýn marketimizde yzygiderli arzanladyşlar we aksiýalar geçirilip durýar. Täzeliklerimizden habardar bolmak üçin bizi sosial sahypalarymyzdan hem yzarlap bilersiňiz.
Harytlary gözläniňizde kategoriýalary, brendler bölümini ýa-da gözleg ulgamyny ulanyp bilersiňiz. Soň aňsatlyk bilen tapmak isleýän harytlaryňyzy bolsa "Halanlarym" sanawyna goşup bilersiňiz. Şeýle hem sargydyňyzyň soňky ýagdaýyny we nirededigini "Sargytlarym" bölüminden yzarlap bilersiňiz.
Eger-de goşmaça isleg, teklip ýa-da şikaýatlaryňyz bolan ýagdaýynda meýilnamanyň "Aragatnaşyk" bölüminden bize ýazyp bilersiňiz. Sizden geljek her bir hat biziň üçin gymmatly!

Ynamdar is one of the leading platforms offering online store services in Turkmenistan.
Features that distinguish us from our competitors:
- We accept payment in cash or by credit card.
- We will deliver your orders to the address for free.
- We fully guarantee the quality of the goods. We only cooperate with officials and manufacturers of goods.
- We offer you goods at the most affordable prices.
- The application is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and Turkmen.
We offer you thousands of types of products that belong to hundreds of brands. We continue to expand our product range based on your needs and offers.
We provide delivery services in the city of Ashgabat, Buzmein and Anau. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the delivered goods, you can return it before making the payment.
Our online market offers discounts and various promotions. To keep abreast of all our news, subscribe to our accounts on social networks.
When searching for a product, you can use categories, brands or a search engine. You can add your favorite product to the “Favorites” list to easily find it. You can always find out the status of your order in the “My Orders” section.
If you have any suggestions or complaints, you can write to us in the "Contact" section. All your feedback and suggestions are very important to us!

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