My WULING+ is a multifunctional app from Wuling Motors.
With My WULING+, you can find various wuling vehicles, nearby Wuling dealers, latest promotion activities, booking test drive, booking service, ERA service.
You can ask questions from Wuling MotorsTechnical Experts and Dealer Masters, or Customer service online.
And there is community to connect users one to another as well as fans club to live up Wuling owners.
Get more experience with Wuling Motors products and find more benefit or promos in My Wuling+.
We use accessibility services to quickly operate your phone and send WhatsApp messages on your phone.
1.We will not change user settings without their permission or prevent the ability for users to disable or uninstall any app or service unless authorized by a parent or guardian through a parental control app or by authorized enterprise management software.
2.We will not work around Android built-in privacy controls and notifications or change or leverage the user interface in a way that is deceptive or otherwidse violates Play Developer Policies.
3.We will not use accessibility API for remote call audio recording.
4.We will not store or upload any collected data and all of them is processed ephemerally.
With My WULING+, you can find various wuling vehicles, nearby Wuling dealers, latest promotion activities, booking test drive, booking service, ERA service.
You can ask questions from Wuling MotorsTechnical Experts and Dealer Masters, or Customer service online.
And there is community to connect users one to another as well as fans club to live up Wuling owners.
Get more experience with Wuling Motors products and find more benefit or promos in My Wuling+.
We use accessibility services to quickly operate your phone and send WhatsApp messages on your phone.
1.We will not change user settings without their permission or prevent the ability for users to disable or uninstall any app or service unless authorized by a parent or guardian through a parental control app or by authorized enterprise management software.
2.We will not work around Android built-in privacy controls and notifications or change or leverage the user interface in a way that is deceptive or otherwidse violates Play Developer Policies.
3.We will not use accessibility API for remote call audio recording.
4.We will not store or upload any collected data and all of them is processed ephemerally.
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