Preparation Question Bank for Promotion and Title Change Exams
This application, specially designed for public personnel, helps you prepare perfectly for promotion and title change exams. You can choose from thousands of questions and dozens of categories and improve yourself.
Comprehensive Topics:
Laws and Regulations: Created with reference to and the questions.
Presidential Decrees: C.B.Ks, which entered our lives with the Presidential system, are frequently asked about in GYS.
General Culture and Common Subjects: For the title for which each candidate is preparing, Turkish, Turkish Constitution, Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution, and Turkish and Grammar are asked.
Customized Preparation for All Institutions:
Institutions (Ministries, etc.) Subject to DMK No. 657
Public Economic Enterprises Subject to Decree Law No. 399 (TEDAŞ, TCDD, DHMİ, etc.)
Local Administrations (Municipality, Special Provincial Administration, etc.)
Competition and Progress:
In addition to evaluating your own performance with competitive features within the application, you can also compete with other candidates. Reinforce your knowledge by solving questions and prepare better for exams.
There are thousands of questions in the application in dozens of sub-categories under the Main Categories.
This application, specially designed for public personnel, helps you prepare perfectly for promotion and title change exams. You can choose from thousands of questions and dozens of categories and improve yourself.
Comprehensive Topics:
Laws and Regulations: Created with reference to and the questions.
Presidential Decrees: C.B.Ks, which entered our lives with the Presidential system, are frequently asked about in GYS.
General Culture and Common Subjects: For the title for which each candidate is preparing, Turkish, Turkish Constitution, Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution, and Turkish and Grammar are asked.
Customized Preparation for All Institutions:
Institutions (Ministries, etc.) Subject to DMK No. 657
Public Economic Enterprises Subject to Decree Law No. 399 (TEDAŞ, TCDD, DHMİ, etc.)
Local Administrations (Municipality, Special Provincial Administration, etc.)
Competition and Progress:
In addition to evaluating your own performance with competitive features within the application, you can also compete with other candidates. Reinforce your knowledge by solving questions and prepare better for exams.
There are thousands of questions in the application in dozens of sub-categories under the Main Categories.
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