We offer you the application of supplications for marriage, which includes the most important and best supplications, as God made supplications for us a blessing from a blessing, and we have provided you in the application of marriage supplications for girls, all supplications are written in a clear and accurate form. God responds to the supplication and grants you to bring the beloved to marriage with our advice, but to stay away as much as possible from everything that leads to customary marriage and we ask Him to keep you away from the signs of envy in marriage.
The importance of the supplications for marrying a specific person lies in the fact that marriage is immunization for the soul and relief, as marriage is the nucleus of which the family consists, and whoever helps in the marriage of two people will receive a great reward, and marriage matters must also be facilitated. Exaggeration in the dowry and the high demands that exceed the financial capabilities, so marriage matters must be facilitated by the parents.
Today we also offer you duas for marriage from a specific person tested, as all supplications to marry a specific person tested on Friday will be answered, God willing, and prayers for good are not answered, God willing, and marriage is the best link between a woman and a man, and of course this link Holy, so people should know that marriage is sanctified and respected, as marriage is the year of life and it is the completion of half of the religion, and God Almighty has recommended it, and we hope that God will bring close to each of the two individuals who want each other in halal.
Islam considers marriage as a formal relationship between a man and a woman, based on mercy and love, and the marriage must take place for you under certain conditions.
Praying to God Almighty is one of the things we must do in every matter so that God will write us good in it, even in the matter of marriage; To facilitate the matters of marriage, it is advised to pray to God at dawn, because it is one of the most times in which prayer is answered; In it the gates of the seven heavens are opened and God is manifested to His servants
Prayers to facilitate and speed up marriage, answered and tested, not answered, God willing
The importance of the supplications for marrying a specific person lies in the fact that marriage is immunization for the soul and relief, as marriage is the nucleus of which the family consists, and whoever helps in the marriage of two people will receive a great reward, and marriage matters must also be facilitated. Exaggeration in the dowry and the high demands that exceed the financial capabilities, so marriage matters must be facilitated by the parents.
Today we also offer you duas for marriage from a specific person tested, as all supplications to marry a specific person tested on Friday will be answered, God willing, and prayers for good are not answered, God willing, and marriage is the best link between a woman and a man, and of course this link Holy, so people should know that marriage is sanctified and respected, as marriage is the year of life and it is the completion of half of the religion, and God Almighty has recommended it, and we hope that God will bring close to each of the two individuals who want each other in halal.
Islam considers marriage as a formal relationship between a man and a woman, based on mercy and love, and the marriage must take place for you under certain conditions.
Praying to God Almighty is one of the things we must do in every matter so that God will write us good in it, even in the matter of marriage; To facilitate the matters of marriage, it is advised to pray to God at dawn, because it is one of the most times in which prayer is answered; In it the gates of the seven heavens are opened and God is manifested to His servants
Prayers to facilitate and speed up marriage, answered and tested, not answered, God willing
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