The purpose of the Day 100 application is to prepare enlisted men for the Centennial Day (IDF screening) in order to improve the chances of reaching the most suitable positions for them among the positions in the army, so that they will realize their potential.
You've finished the first order! Which is the first meeting with the IDF and now you have received a summons for the more important centenary day. Century Day is more important than the first order because while in the first order there are many technical stages some of which you have no ability to influence or the effect is small (such as data verification, medical examination, personal acquaintance) and the psychotechnical tests themselves are basic and quite superficial.
On the other hand, Century Day is devoted entirely to identifying qualities, abilities and personal skills that provide a higher indication of the candidate's suitability for diverse positions in the IDF, such as teamwork, interpersonal abilities, training abilities, resilience, personal responsibility, decision making, leadership, creativity and tests. They are complex and test the candidate's very diverse abilities.
It is easy to see how the Centennial Day is a much more professional and sorting day and it greatly affects your acceptance to the position in which you will serve in the IDF, and therefore an external body also performs these screenings in order to perform it with maximum efficiency. It can be said that this is the last step you will perform before you start differentiating into actual positions, so it is important that you invest today and be able to improve your chances of reserving a place for the best units in the Israel Defense Forces.
In the Day 100 app you can practice the various topics that appear in the tests on the day of the century and perform tests. The exercises are varied similar to the sorts on the day of the century and include: Concentration, accuracy, reaction speed, strategy.
After completing the 100th day you will receive the grades on the same day when the minimum grade is 1 and the maximum is 5. The grades you will receive are for the following categories: training, management and organization, information processing, continuous attention, maturity and maturity, technical operation, command, teamwork , Investment and perseverance, field, human care, technical ability, framework behavior and more
The Day 100 app is a continuation of the DPR 90 app, which has prepared hundreds of thousands of students for the first order to date and its purpose is the same as the DPR 90 - to help youth fulfill themselves and not miss such a great opportunity in their lives. Similar to DPR 90 we have taken care to provide you with the best learning system that exists with the most pleasant experience so that you can say with certainty that you did your best to succeed on the day of the century.
How will the app help you?
1. Understand how you can improve your results by practicing and then receiving complete feedback and solutions on how to solve the questions.
2. Improve your chances of getting higher scores on exams on the 100th day which will help you reach higher quality and more meaningful positions.
Preparing for the 100th day will improve your self-confidence in preparation for the screening, which will affect you not only in the test phase but also in the other tests that are performed in the group dynamics and in the individual tests.
4. If you do not use the app, you may regret your military service - so we are here to exhaust and maximize all the processes you will go through until the day of enlistment in order to succeed in reaching the best position you can reach.
After you finish the day of the century, you can download the beret app where you will find an "IDF role calculator" where you can enter the data of the first order and the day of the century and you will receive the positions found for you according to the data you entered. :
It is important that your ambition in the first order and on the day of the century is to get scores as high as possible because they can determine which positions you can apply for and which not and even if today you do not know where you want to be accepted it is still worth trying for you.
If you have not yet executed the order first, do not wait near fate to tell you where you can be accepted and where not! Shake her hand and download the DPR 90 app that will prepare you for the first order and help you improve your scores: and always remember, it is difficult to train easily in the order😘
If you have not yet done the Century Day, do not hesitate so that you do not miss and download the Day 100 app that will prepare you for the Centennial Day and help you improve your scores: and always remember, it is difficult with easy training In sorties💪
Succeed and realize your potential,
Beret Staff, DFR 90 and Century Day
You've finished the first order! Which is the first meeting with the IDF and now you have received a summons for the more important centenary day. Century Day is more important than the first order because while in the first order there are many technical stages some of which you have no ability to influence or the effect is small (such as data verification, medical examination, personal acquaintance) and the psychotechnical tests themselves are basic and quite superficial.
On the other hand, Century Day is devoted entirely to identifying qualities, abilities and personal skills that provide a higher indication of the candidate's suitability for diverse positions in the IDF, such as teamwork, interpersonal abilities, training abilities, resilience, personal responsibility, decision making, leadership, creativity and tests. They are complex and test the candidate's very diverse abilities.
It is easy to see how the Centennial Day is a much more professional and sorting day and it greatly affects your acceptance to the position in which you will serve in the IDF, and therefore an external body also performs these screenings in order to perform it with maximum efficiency. It can be said that this is the last step you will perform before you start differentiating into actual positions, so it is important that you invest today and be able to improve your chances of reserving a place for the best units in the Israel Defense Forces.
In the Day 100 app you can practice the various topics that appear in the tests on the day of the century and perform tests. The exercises are varied similar to the sorts on the day of the century and include: Concentration, accuracy, reaction speed, strategy.
After completing the 100th day you will receive the grades on the same day when the minimum grade is 1 and the maximum is 5. The grades you will receive are for the following categories: training, management and organization, information processing, continuous attention, maturity and maturity, technical operation, command, teamwork , Investment and perseverance, field, human care, technical ability, framework behavior and more
The Day 100 app is a continuation of the DPR 90 app, which has prepared hundreds of thousands of students for the first order to date and its purpose is the same as the DPR 90 - to help youth fulfill themselves and not miss such a great opportunity in their lives. Similar to DPR 90 we have taken care to provide you with the best learning system that exists with the most pleasant experience so that you can say with certainty that you did your best to succeed on the day of the century.
How will the app help you?
1. Understand how you can improve your results by practicing and then receiving complete feedback and solutions on how to solve the questions.
2. Improve your chances of getting higher scores on exams on the 100th day which will help you reach higher quality and more meaningful positions.
Preparing for the 100th day will improve your self-confidence in preparation for the screening, which will affect you not only in the test phase but also in the other tests that are performed in the group dynamics and in the individual tests.
4. If you do not use the app, you may regret your military service - so we are here to exhaust and maximize all the processes you will go through until the day of enlistment in order to succeed in reaching the best position you can reach.
After you finish the day of the century, you can download the beret app where you will find an "IDF role calculator" where you can enter the data of the first order and the day of the century and you will receive the positions found for you according to the data you entered. :
It is important that your ambition in the first order and on the day of the century is to get scores as high as possible because they can determine which positions you can apply for and which not and even if today you do not know where you want to be accepted it is still worth trying for you.
If you have not yet executed the order first, do not wait near fate to tell you where you can be accepted and where not! Shake her hand and download the DPR 90 app that will prepare you for the first order and help you improve your scores: and always remember, it is difficult to train easily in the order😘
If you have not yet done the Century Day, do not hesitate so that you do not miss and download the Day 100 app that will prepare you for the Centennial Day and help you improve your scores: and always remember, it is difficult with easy training In sorties💪
Succeed and realize your potential,
Beret Staff, DFR 90 and Century Day
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